Bottle Bill Resource Guide

The Hawaii Department of Health, in its 2008 annual report to the state legislature, noted a general decline in beverage container litter since the enactment of the bottle bill. It also recommended that the deposit on beverage containers stay in effect, to "decrease the temptation to litter and increase the incentive to recycle." The tables below are copied from the DOH report and consist of data from the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup events.

Number of Debris Found During Cleanup
Beverage Container Type20032004200520062007
Glass Bottles 7,687 11,362 7,194 5,759 5,008
Plastic Bottles 5,246 5,215 3,824 4,799 2,965
Metal Cans 4,946 6,894 3,518 3,959 2,932
Total 17,879 23,471 14,430 14,517 10,905
Percentage of Total Debris Collected During Cleanup
Beverage Bottles & Cans20032004200520062007
Glass, Metal, & Plastic 15.9% 14.5% 12.3% 8.7% 6.7%



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No time to read this whole website?

View the PowerPoint presentation instead. Container Deposit Legislation: Past, Present, Future provides a quick look at the most important facts about bottle bills. This presentation is also a great tool for activists needing to present information in support of a bottle bill.