Bottle Bill Resource Guide


Bill Number and Name AB-962: California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act: returnable beverage containers
Primary Sponsor

Assemblymembers Sydney Kamlager and Lorena Gonzalez

Proposed Changes/Summary
California's California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act was first implemented in 1987, putting a container refund value (CRV) on eligible containers (details regarding California's program can be found here.) These returned containers are currently crushed and processed for reuse as recycled plastic. AB-962 would create a reusable bottle operation in California, where bottles can be returned, washed, and refilled for future usage. The bill would enable for this program's infrastructure to be created, and be able to go through California's Container Recycling Program.

Deposit Value

  • 5¢ for containers <24 oz.
  • 10¢ for containers ≥24 oz.

Legislative activity

10/05/2021 Signed into Law by Governor.
9/20/2021 Enrolled and presented to the Governor.
9/09/2021 Senate amendments concurred in. Moved to Engrossing and Enrolling 77 - 0.
9/08/2021 Read third time and passed. Ordered to Assembly 38 - 0. Concurrence in Senate, pending amendments.
5/20/2021 Read third time and passed. Ordered to Senate.
2/17/2021 Read first time and moved to print.

CRI Activity

CRI published an initial letter of support on 12 April 2021, which can be read here. CRI submitted a second letter of support for AB-962 on 21 June 2021, which can be read here.



Bill Number and Name AB-962 Recycling: beverage containers.
Primary Sponsor

State Senator Mike McGuire

Proposed Changes/Summary
Currently, there are over 1,200 redemption centers to service California's California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act. This Act would allow redemption centers more flexibility in scheduling operational hours, such as through a schedule appointment or reduced hours, due to community need and/or operational changes. The Act would also allow redemption centers to return refund values electronically, and for them to accept dropped-off bagged empty containers.

Legislative activity

10/05/2021 Signed into law by the Governor.
9/20/2021 Enrolled and presented to the Governor.
9/09/2021 Read third time and passed 38 -0. Ordered to Assembly. Senate amendments concurred in. Moved to Engrossing and Enrolling 77 - 0.
 5/28/2021 Read third time and passed 77 - 0. Ordered to Senate. Read first time in Senate, moved to Committee on Rules for assignment.
 2/22/2021 Read first time.
 2/19/2021 Introduced and put to print.

CRI Activity



Bill Number and Name AB-1454: The California Beverage Container and Litter Reduction Act
Primary Sponsor

Assemblymembers Richard Bloom & Patrick O'Donnell

Proposed Changes/Summary
California's bottle bill system is administered by CalRecycle. Consumers may redeem their deposits at redemption centers, which serve outlined convenience zones. Since 2013, over 1,400 redemption centers have closed, mainly in part due to inadequate payments and funding to centers, and thus creating "redemption deserts" comprised of multiple unserved convenience zones. AB 1454 seeks to embolden redemption centers by:
  1. Creating regional convenience zones comprised of 5 unserved convenience zones.
  2. Providing funding up to $50,000 USD for startup loans of new redemption centers, along with funding for quality incentive payments. One time expenditures of $15,000,000 USD is designated for startup loans, while an annual expenditure of $10,000,000 is designated for quality incentive payments.
  3. Providing handling fees to the first redemption centers to be sited in previously unserved convenience zones (regardless of physical location).
  4. Allowing CalRecycle to appropriate the increase in processing payments to certified recycling centers until 1 January 2025.
  5. Enabling certified "bottle drop" programs to either refund CRVs at the time of return or as an electronic payment within three days.
  6. Allowing for the appropriation of an annual $5,000,000 expenditure for to employ community conservation corps staffing and fund material transportation.

This Act will come into effect immediately after signing.

Deposit Value

  • 5¢ for containers <24 oz.
  • 10¢ for containers ≥24 oz.

Legislative activity

6/28/2021 Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Environment Quality Committee (First amended senate version can be read here).
6/16/2021 Referred to Environment Quality Committee.
6/07/2021 Read first time in Senate. Referred to Committee on Rules.
6/03/2021 Read third time and passed Assembly. Ordered to Senate.
5/24/2021 Read second time, ordered third hearing.
5/20/2021 Passes Committee on Appropriations 16 - 0.
5/12/2021 First hearing in Committee on Appropriations. Moved to Suspense File (has significant fiscal impact)
4/26/2021 Re-referred to Committee on Appropriations.
4/22/2021 Read second time and amended (second amended bill can be read here).
4/21/2021 Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
4/14/2021 Amended and passed 14 -0.
3/08/2021 Re-referred to Committee on Natural Resources.
3/04/2021 Referred to Committee on Natural Resources. Amended twice and re-referred to Committee on Natural Resources (previous amended bill can be read here).
2/22/2021 Bill read for first time.
2/19/2021 Bill introduced in Assembly.

CRI Activity

CRI published an analysis of AB-1454 on 22 June 2021, reflecting the second amended Assembly version of the bill. It criticizes the bill for not modernizing/expanding the bill itself to present needs, neglecting program enforcement and oversight, and not incentivising the creation of redemption centers in "redemption deserts." The analysis can be read here.

On 25 June 2021, CRI published a letter in opposition to AB-1454, unless amended, citing its earlier analysis of the bill's oversights.


Last Updated on 15 October 2021.

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